Holistic Healing with Osteopathy in Dubai – Dr. David Liddiard‘s Approach

Patient Background:


Mrs. Aisha Al-Farsi, a 45-year-old resident of Dubai, sought the expertise of Osteopath Dr. David Liddiard for persistent lower back pain. A busy professional with a hectic schedule, Mrs. Al-Farsi had been experiencing discomfort that affected her daily life and work productivity.


Initial Assessment:


Upon her initial consultation with Dr. David Liddiard, an experienced Osteopath based in Dubai, a comprehensive assessment was conducted. Dr. Liddiard delved into Mrs. Al-Farsi’s medical history, lifestyle, and work routine. His approach emphasized understanding the patient as a whole, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


Osteopathic Diagnosis:


Dr. Liddiard identified areas of musculoskeletal imbalance contributing to Mrs. Al-Farsi’s lower back pain. His diagnosis revealed a combination of structural issues and soft tissue restrictions. Emphasizing a patient-centered approach, Dr. Liddiard explained the interconnected nature of the body and how disruptions in one area could impact the entire system.

Osteopathy female backpain

Treatment Plan:


Dr. Liddiard tailored a personalized treatment plan for Mrs. Al-Farsi, incorporating a variety of Osteopathic techniques. These included targeted manipulations, soft tissue mobilization, and therapeutic exercises. The plan aimed not only to alleviate immediate pain but also to address the underlying causes and prevent future issues.


Patient Engagement:


Recognizing the importance of patient involvement in the healing process, Dr. Liddiard actively engaged Mrs. Al-Farsi in discussions about lifestyle modifications and ergonomic adjustments. He provided guidance on posture, exercise routines, and stress management techniques, all essential elements of a holistic approach to well-being.



Through consistent sessions with Dr. David Liddiard, Mrs. Al-Farsi experienced significant relief from her lower back pain. The holistic approach adopted by the Osteopath in Dubai addressed both the symptoms and the root causes of the discomfort. Mrs. Al-Farsi reported improved flexibility, reduced pain, and enhanced overall well-being.


Follow-up and Maintenance:


Dr. Liddiard emphasized the importance of ongoing self-care and periodic check-ins. Regular follow-up appointments allowed adjustments to the treatment plan based on Mrs. Al-Farsi’s progress and any new developments. This collaborative approach ensured that the patient played an active role in maintaining her health.




The case of Mrs. Aisha Al-Farsi highlights the effectiveness of Osteopathy in Dubai, particularly under the care of Dr. David Liddiard. The combination of targeted Ossteopathic interventions and a holistic, patient-centered approach not only addressed immediate concerns but also empowered the patient to take charge of her well-being for the long term.


Dr. David Liddiard


Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre