The liver is an all-rounder, the key organ for multiple metabolic functions, detoxification and storage of Vitamins. Major functions of the liver include filtration, metabolism and detoxification.


A fatty liver is a lifestyle associated disease and the result of a wrong nutrition. Increased intake of fructose, fats and processed food, lack of exercise is contributing to a fatty liver. There is no drug to cure a fatty liver. Only natural supplements, dietary changes and lifestyle changes have a positive impact on the development of a fatty liver.


Generally spoken a “healthy liver diet” is diet based on high fiber plants and complex carbohydrates, refined sugars and fruit sugar should be avoided.

Carbohydrates should be chosen as complex carbohydrates and taken in low quantities and vegetables should be the most important ingredients.


The focus should be on:

  • Cruciferous vegetables as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale as well as radish, garlic, leek, onions are very healthy, bitter salads, artichoke, chicory and beetroot spinach beans tomato.
  • Reducing carbohydrates and sticking to complex carbohydrates as natural grains rice, whole grain products, spelt, wholegrain products, cereals is part of a healthy liver diet.
  • Meat and fish, which is not rich in fat, however it should be from an ‘organic source’.
  • Breaks should be taken in between foods, do intermittent fasting, drink a lot of water.
  • Boost intestinal flora with foods containing prebiotic nutrients, such as artichokes chicory and psyllium husk. Walnut peanuts sesame linseed and plant-based oils walnut oil linseed oil.
  • Water, herbal teas, green smoothies, containing kale chlorella powder, celery, onion, turnips act as a support of detoxification and have a positive impact on a fatty liver.
  • Foods to be avoided include white bread, croissants, fried food like french fries, fast foods, processed foods, sweet snacks, ice creams, fruit juices, soft drinks containing fructose syrup and other artificial sweetener.
  • Reduce banana, Pineapple, Grapes, Mango, sweet potato, corn, salty nuts and butter.
  • These nutritional changes are useful for all patients who want to prevent fatty liver.


However targeted detox plans can be tailored and liver regenerative antioxidant therapy and infusion therapy is often useful. This includes IV drips, Oral Supplements and Vitamin injections, Superfoods as chlorella and tissue salts.


Dr. Charlotte Zoeller

M.D, German board Specialist in Family Medicine

Certified in Clinical Environmental Medicine

Dubai Herbal and Treatment Center