The tongue is “the mirror of health”- some facts about the diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

The principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine is known to be a holistic form of medicine based on Taoist philosophy. What makes TCM so special is that this approach views the body as an entire system, where organs and systems are interconnected.


In fact, in Traditional Chinese Medicine the physiology as well as the clinical exam are completely different as compared to western medicine. TCM considers climatic factors and internal factors. The “language” of traditional Chinese medicine is using terms such as yin and yang, qi and blood, stagnation, excess and deficiency.


The TCM doctor gathers data during the consultation, asking very specific questions.  He will certainly examine the patient’s tongue, its coating, color and shape and movement, as well as the coating shape and movements. Much diagnostic weight is given to the appearance of the tongue. He will also feel the patients’ pulses, and identifies if the pulse is weak, deep or superficial.


In TCM the tongue is seen as the “mirror of heath “



According to TCM theory, certain areas on the tongue are felt to represent certain areas on the body. The tongue can have different colors. The coating can tell us if there are external factors involved. In addition, the coating gives information about the strength of the digestive system. When the body has certain health issues the tongue looks different.


The feeling of the  pulses on both of the patient’s wrists gives additional information, so that the TCM doctor can establish the TCM diagnosis


From this process the practitioner identifies the imbalances and prescribes a Chinese herbal formula according to the exact TCM diagnosis. Acupuncture is usually included in the treatment plan, and sometimes ear- reflexology and cupping.  The treatment formula is chosen to balance the body of the patient.


Example: a patient has signs of heat, he has a hot temper and feels generally hot, his tongue is red and dry. The TCM doctor will choose a formula with herbs containing cooling properties. If the same patient decides to include acupuncture in the treatment plan, acupuncture points which clear the heat will be selected. Both the herbal medicine and the acupuncture treatments are supposed to reduce the heat of the patient. After two weeks of treatment, at the reassessment, the tongue should be less red, and the patient should feel better.


Many patients turn towards TCM because of a persisting problem, which doesn’t go away with classical orthodox medicine. Some patients choose to treat their pain or their chronic condition, their mental, hormonal, or metabolic problem, in order to obtain a better, more stable condition. TCM is famous for balancing the body and staying healthy, but TCM can do can more! Persistent symptoms can be improved, sometimes resolved and chronic conditions can be stabilized.

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