Homeopathy For Seasonal Flu And Respiratory Ailments
Homeopathy is a more than 250-year-old alternative system of medicines that addresses allergies, respiratory complaints and flu naturally.
It is based on the principles of “likes treat like”.
We believe that the body has a “vital force” which gets deranged due to exposure to environmental toxins, faulty diet or even stress and makes us more susceptible to an illness. Incidences of a sudden change in weather can affect our immunity and make us prone to viral infections and flu in the environment around us at schools, offices, supermarkets, social gatherings etc. We succumb to the virus/ bacteria and suffer from seasonal infections.
Other than seasonal flu’s, homeopathic medicines also have excellent treatment outcomes in asthma, bronchitis, nasal polyps, recurrent cold and cough, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis etc.
A person suffering from the above health complaints may have a compromised immune system and he also cannot avoid the environmental allergens every time.
The homeopathic approach involves a detailed case taking, the patients like, dislikes, reaction to illness, stress etc. is also enquired into and from the history we identify the root cause of the problem.
Understanding the cause and finding the solution” is the key to homeopathic prescribing. The cause can be environmental toxins, food intolerances, lifestyle factors, vitamin deficiencies, stress management just to name a few, and a homeopathic remedy which fits in the “totality” of the patient.

Here is where homeopathic medicines have an advantage in treatment:
- They can be used as a preventive medicine during the flu season.
- The medicines can used as immunity boosters throughout the year.
- It is safe for all ages and easy to administer.
- It is a natural remedy in minimum doses hence has no side effects. It treats cold, cough, flu, allergies, sinusitis, headaches effectively.
- Recovery from flu related illness like weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite is quicker.
Dr.Maria Vimala Lewis (BHMS) (FCHD)
Homeopathic Practitioner
Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre