What is a Coffee Enema and how does it helps the body?
A coffee enema is a form of colon cleanse that involves the administration of a mixture of brewed coffee and water inserted into the rectum. Coffee enemas are safe and non-habit forming.
Coffee enemas are truly liver protective, stimulating the neutralization of free radicals and also increasing the elimination of toxins. Rectal administration of coffee allows the coffee to be absorbed by the mesenteric vein and be taken directly to the liver via the portal vein.
It is always best to do a coffee enema after the colon hydrotherapy as the absorption rate and retaining time of coffee can be improved. Also, the patient feels more relaxed during the procedure and changes soon after the treatment.
The coffee we are using for coffee enema is organic green coffee. Green coffee is unroasted coffee beans from Coffea fruits (Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora). It contains more chlorogenic acid than roasted coffee. Green coffee also contains caffeine, but in lower amounts than regular coffee.
Coffee contains some substances called theobromine, theophylline and caffeine which stimulates the relaxation of smooth muscles causing dilation of blood vessels and bile ducts. Which of course, increases bile flow.
Other substances in the coffee activate the enzyme system called glutathione s-transferase (our major antioxidant agent). This system is responsible for neutralizing free radicals and essentially binding toxins and preparing them for elimination.

This would reduce the toxicity burden on the liver and improve the natural functioning of this organ.
This treatment may also support bowel movements and strengthen gut flora thus promoting the elimination of harmful bacteria and toxic metabolites from the body.
The chlorogenic acid in green coffee is thought to have health benefits. It might affect blood vessels so that blood pressure is reduced. It might also affect how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism.
Coffee enemas can be included in your treatment plan in Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre for most chronic diseases or conditions. They offer a safe and effective way to eliminate harmful toxins from the body and reduce liver toxicity.