كن بصحة جيدة - الطب الصيني التقليدي


Struggling with chronic pain? Have you been looking for a painless treatment? الوخز بالليزر is the new way to get rid of aches, pains, and old injuries. Our practitioners have studied and mastered the application of lasers to acupuncture points.


الوخز بالليزر is a new non-invasive, painless, and effective approach to pain management that is more enjoyable than needles. It uses laser beams instead of traditional acupuncture needles to influence the flow of current at the acupuncture points. It stimulates the acupuncture points in ways similar to needle acupuncture.


الوخز بالليزر has been proven to provide relief for many chronic conditions, such as neck and back pain, stress, headaches and migraines, and muscle aches.


الوخز بالليزر is the preferred procedure for effective treatment of painful conditions (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, arthritis of the knee, chronic headache in children) and in the general treatment of children and babies.


Laser acupuncture is a safe and effective way to reduce your pain.


Book for laser acupuncture today with our DHA Licensed Practitioner to experience firsthand how it can change your life.
