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Dr. Asha Jones has many years of broad practical experience in Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in India and in UAE. Since graduating in 1995 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery from India’s highly reputed Government Ayurvedic College in Trivandrum, Kerala, Asha Jones has worked as a consultant in many of the country’s Ayurvedic hospitals and centres. She has been practicing in U A E since 2004. Jones joined Dubai Herbal & Treatment Centre in 2011.
Jones have immense experience on identifying body constitution, Dosha or energy imbalances and prescribe traditional treatments, medicines & advices on diet to balance your Dosha. She follows traditional generic products of Ayurveda and focus in the treatment of: Spinal problems – Disc Prolapse, Spondylosis; Skin Diseases – Psoriasis & Eczema; Allergies & Asthma; Rheumatoid & Osteo Arthritis; Paralysis and other Neurological disorders; Stress Management, Migraine etc.
She is also well experienced in weight reduction & obesity management. She has also done her Post graduation in Colon Hydrotherapy from National College of Colon Hydrotherapy in U.K in 2012. She is also offering Colon hydrotherapy, treatments for digestive disorders and detox advices.
الدكتورة نازميرة هي معالجة للعمود الفقري من جنوب إفريقيا. تخرجت من جامعة ديربان للتكنولوجيا في عام 2017 بدرجة الماجستير في علاج العمود الفقري.
منذ ذلك الحين عملت الدكتورة نازميرة في عيادة متعددة التخصصات حيث عالجت مجموعة متنوعة من المرضى بتراوحون من الأطفال إلى كبار السن بما في ذلك الرياضيين والمتخصصين في اللياقة البدنية.
تصنف نفسها على أنها معالجة شاملة للعمود الفقري تستخدم أشكالًا مختلفة من العلاج وليس فقط تعديلات تقويم العمود الفقري. وهذا يشمل الوخز بالإبر الجافة وتحرير اللفافة العضلية والتحفيز الكهربائي والعلاج الكهربائي.
شغف الدكتورة نازميرة بحالات الجهاز العضلي الهيكلي المرتبطة بالحمل ومعالجة العمود الفقري للأطفال يقودها إلى أن تركز بشدة على علاج النساء بعد الولادة اللاتي يعانين من آلام الظهر.
وهي تعتقد أنه يجب تضمين العلاج بتقويم العمود الفقري في برنامج الرعاية الصحية في سن مبكرة لتحسين صحة العمود الفقري.
الشروط التي تتخصص فيها:
Dr. Vimala Lewis is an alumnus of the prestigious Fr. Muller’s Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Mangalore, India. She graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor Degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. Thereafter she worked at a Government Homeopathic Centre in Udupi, India for a brief period before joining her alma mater as a tutor for Homeopathic Materia Medica, where she worked for 2 years.
She was assigned duties to the outpatient department of the hospital at the same time. Later on she started her own private consultancy in her hometown and practiced homeopathy for a couple of years.
Dr. Vimala having 20 years of experience in Classical Homeopath, which includes 15 years of practice in Dubai and handles both acute and chronic health conditions..
In children conditions, common ailments like respiratory tract infections, gastro intestinal complaints, headaches, migraines, autism, ADHD, general health improvement and preventive homeopathic treatment to build up and strengthen the body's defenses against common childhood diseases is her focus.
She regularly updates on various courses in Homeopathy and attends various seminars online and in person to upgrade her skills. She is trained in "Predictive Homeopathy" from Mumbai, India, I.C.R methodology of individualization of medicines, Vithoulkas method of classical Homeopathy from Greece, Dr. Banerjee's protocols and various other schools of thought and applies these principles in her daily practice.
Dr. Vimala Lewis has recently completed her " Fellowship course in Homeopathic Dermatology course " from a reputed institute in India which specializes her in treating skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, urticaria, vitiligo, hair and nail disorders with Homeopathic remedies.
Additionally she has completed a refresher course in "General Practice and Homeopathy" in order to bring about innovative treatment procedures to her patients.
She is currently undergoing a refresher course in classical homeopathy and its evolution , according to the principles laid down in "Organon of Medicine" which was written by the founder of homeopathy Dr.Samuel Hahnemann. Her passion lies in healing through homeopathy medicines by tackling the "root cause of the disease" so as to bring lasting relief of health issues with "patient wellness" as the core of the treatment.
الدكتورة إرام محمد شيخ طبيب عام راسخة وذوي مهارات عالية مع تركيز قوي على الطب التكاملي. ولدت وترعرعت في دبي، تخرجت من إحدى الجامعات الرائدة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة وتدربت في مستشفيات متعددة في جميع أنحاء الإمارات مثل مستشفى الشيخ خليفة في أبو ظبي ومستشفى البراحة في دبي.
الاهتمامات السريرية للدكتورة إرام هي مرض السكري، ومتلازمة الحرق الغذائي، وارتفاع ضغط الدم، واختلال وظائف الغدة الدرقية، وفرط كوليسترول الدم، وأمراض الجهاز الهضمي، والتهاب المسالك البولية. يركز نهجها الوقائي على أسلوب الحياة، مع اهتمامات خاصة في الطب الباطني، والاختبارات الهرمونية، وانقطاع الطمث، وإدارة الوزن، وفقدان الشعر، وفقر الدم، والمشاكل المتعلقة بالجلد.
إنها مجهزة تجهيزًا جيدًا ليس فقط في إدارة القضايا الرئيسية ولكنها خبيرة في الهرمونات المتطابقة بيولوجيًا ومحاليل الوريد مما يضمن قدرتها على المساهمة في سلامة مرضاها والتعامل معهم بشكل شامل.
تعتقد الدكتورة إرام أن "الرعاية مطلقة. والوقاية هي الأمثل ". تكمل هذه الفلسفة المعايير النوعية والمميزة لمركزنا، مما يؤسس نهجًا تكامليًا يخدم مصلحة مريضها.
تحظى باحترام كبير في المجتمع، وتفخر كثيرًا بالرعاية التي تقدمها لمرضاها، مما يرسخ نجاحها كممارس عام قيم ومعترف به في دبي. إنها تتطلع إلى الاعتناء بك في مدينة دبي الطبية للعلاج والأعشاب.
الدكتورة أنجو فارغيس هي معالج طبيعي مشهور تتمتع بكفاءات أساسية في استشارات العلاج الطبيعي، والعناية بالسرطان الطبيعي والتخلص من السموم، والعلاج بالأوزو، والعلاج المائي للقولون (معتمدة في ألمانيا) والحقنة الشرجية العضوية.
تتمتع الدكتورة أنجو بخبرة تزيد عن 12 عامًا في مجال عملها. مارست في الهند والكويت والإمارات العربية المتحدة لتعليم المرضى التوازن الجسدي والعاطفي. تزويد المرضى بالتوعية والاستشارة الصحية (بما في ذلك نصائح النظام الغذائي والتخلص من السموم). كما أنها ترشد مرضاها في أشكال مختلفة من اليوجا (العلاجية، فقدان الوزن، الحمل، الأطفال).
إنها تعتقد أن الجسم لديه قدرة فطرية على شفاء نفسه وأن واجب الطبيعة هو مساعدة الجسم. إنها تقوي الجسم من خلال معالجة السبب الجذري للمرض وتوظف إزالة السموم كخط علاج أول.
بصفتها طبيبة طبيعية، فإن الدكتورة أنجو ضليعة في مختلف جوانب الطب ولكن شغفها الرئيسي هو صحة المرأة. إنها تريد المساعدة في تمكين النساء وتثقيفهن ليأخذن صحتهن بأيديهن وكشف الأسباب الكامنة وراء مرضهن (أمراضهن) واجتثاثها. على وجه الخصوص، تحب العمل مع النساء في مجال التوازن الهرموني وأمراض المناعة الذاتية وعلاج الأورام التكاملي.
إنها تؤمن بنصح المرضى حول كيفية تحسين صحتهم مدى الحياة، بدلاً من مجرد إدارة أعراض المرض عند ظهورها.
Elena Naranjo De La Rubia is a Senior Spanish Physiotherapist who graduated in 2007. Subsequent qualifications include a Master’s Degree in Osteopathy, Master’s Degree in Clinical & Sport Nutrition and Manual Lymphatic Drainage Expert.
With more than 17 years of clinical experience working in Spain, France, and since 2015, here in Dubai, she is the head of both physiotherapy and nutrition departments.
Her core interest lies in a holistic lifestyle approach, including manual therapy, eating habits – including mineral and vitamin intake, stress management, physical therapy, and active management of sleep habits and quality.
As a health and wellness expert, she analyzes her clients holistically and guides them towards appropriate treatments as well as supporting and guiding them to embrace lifestyle changes to realise and achieve a fulfilling and healthy life.
She has a special interest in Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and receives many patient referrals for this. It is a technique that helps to reduce stress, activates the vagus nerve, encourages detoxification, regulates the body’s water balance, stimulates the immune system, combats hormonal imbalance and helps fight constipation.
When not working, Elena enjoys spending time with her friends, going to the gym and enjoying outdoor activities, particularly walking and padel!
Dr. Charlotte is a German board Family physician with special interest in preventative and holistic medicine. She is a Graduate from Goethe University Frankfurt and specialist in family medicine since 2003 (Bavarian Medical Council Munich).She underwent intensive clinical training at china Beijing international acupuncture training center, WHO
Since 2007 she is practicing in Dubai as Family physician and acupuncture medicine practitioner. Additional areas of interest are cellular health, regenerative and mitochondrial medicine, environmental medicine, and detox.
Dr. Charlotte approaches patient from a holistic point of view with a thorough clinical examination coupled along detailed history to establish diagnosis with the right therapy to determine which approach will be the best for the individual. Her sound Western Medicine background combined with her knowledge of Eastern Traditional Mechanisms helps her assess cases in which acupuncture shall add value. Additionally she is focused on identifying eventual biochemical imbalances on cellular level, inflammation, allergies, and environmental factors.
Dr. Zoeller is certified in clinical Mitochondrial and Environmental Medicine in 2014 (International Society for regenerative and Mitochondrial medicine),
She is also certified in clinical environmental medicine by the European Academy in Environmental Medicine (EROPAEM) 2021,
Dr. Charlotte’s Specialty includes:
General Medicine and Family Medicine for adults and children, Biological and mitochondrial medicine, general and extended Checkup s, Allergy diagnostics, Identification of environmental triggers, Targeted detox treatments, Identification of genetic tendencies, Intestinal health, Vitamin Drips, Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture medicine, Ozone therapy.
Dr. Zhiyan Shi completed her Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2011 at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. During her Master’s Degree studies, she worked at the affiliated Foshan Chinese Medicine Hospital. From 2011 to 2015, she worked in the No.181 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army. She joined Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre in 2015.
Her therapies include TCM consultation, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, tuina massage and ear point treatment.
Zhiyan has focused on fertility support, rehabilitation, detox, energy balancing, facial acupuncture and prescriptions of herbal formulas.
Besides other diseases she is specially trained on treating arthritis, rheumatism, muscle strain, tennis elbow, headache, migraine, immune system diseases, insomnia, neck-, shoulder-, low-back- and leg pain.
الدكتور يوشاو زونج حاصل على درجة الماجستير في الوخز بالإبر والطب الصيني التقليدي. درس في جامعة بكين للطب الصيني من 2001 إلى 2009. بعد تخرجه من الجامعة، التحق بالمستشفى العسكري الصيني كطبيب للوخز بالإبر من 2009 إلى 2011. في نهاية عام 2011، بدأ الدكتور Zhong مزاولة المهنة في دبي.
يستخدم الدكتور Zhong الوخز بالإبر الكلاسيكي والعلاج بالأعشاب لتحقيق التوازن بين YING و YANG و QI-BLOOD في الجسم.
يتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 10 سنوات في علاج:
دعم العقم / أطفال الأنابيب والتهاب الأنف التحسسي واضطراب الجهاز الهضمي والرقبة والكتف والظهر وآلام الركبة ومرفق لاعب التنس / والصداع / الصداع النصفي والتوتر العقلي / القلق وحالات ما بعد السكتة الدماغية ومتلازمة التعب المزمن وغيرها الكثير
Dr. Jing Zeng got the medical degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2008 when she completed her 6 years studying at Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine University, China.
Ever since then she has been working as a doctor of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. During 2005-2007, Jing Zeng was selected to follow Acupuncture Master Dr Dong Hongtao (a reputed Acupuncturist and Herbalist in China) to learn acupuncture techniques. And during 2008-2010, she worked in the affiliated hospital of Guangxi TCM University.
In the year 2010 she became a Member of The World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, as well as relocating to Dubai to continue her profession. With enthusiasm, Jing Zeng has focused her practice in fertility support, rehabilitation, detox, energy balancing and facial acupuncture by Acupuncture treatment and prescriptions of herbal teas (decoctions)
Dr. Asha Rani is a DHA Licensed Ayurveda Practitioner and Colon Hydrotherapist. She joined Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre in Feb 2004.
Her main focus is about Digestive system and gut functions specifically unique microbiome, rebuilding and regenerating the digestive systems and individual based Liver flush and Detox programs.
She is a renowned Colon hydro therapist in Dubai. Dr. Asha Rani qualified for her post-graduation in Colon Hydrotherapy from The National College of Colon Hydrotherapy U.K. in 2005. Lately she has blended Biological Medicine into her practice by attending Swiss Biological Medicine Academy in St Galen Switzerland and fully certified from Dr Thomas Rau in April 2019.
She also brings along 22 years of experience, practicing as an Ayurveda Practitioner in India and UAE. Asharani is graduated in Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Ayurveda medicine and surgery, as she brings the depth of her extensive training, years of practical experience and her many modalities of healing practices together with her nurturing ability to provide a specific advice and customized plan to each patient.
She also treats Constipation, IBS, Flatulence, food intolerances, skin issues, joint pains, parasites, candida and yeast infections, Chronic fatigue syndrome, body odour, bad breath and digestive disorders.
Dr. David Liddiard is a senior Osteopath, graduating with a Masters in Osteopathy from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. He has extensive experience working in the United Kingdom and New Zealand in private practice and high-performance sports settings.
He is a highly skilled and experienced Osteopath with a loyal following of patients. He is currently pursuing further up-skill in post graduate diploma in treating horses. David is currently doing an online study with the renowned Dr Gabor Mate in the psychotherapeutic approach ‘compassionate Inquiry’ to further bring new skills and different therapeutic assessment to his patients.
He takes a holistic approach to his assessments and treatments with a focus on improving movement patterns so that the body is able to perform activities efficiently and effectively. His areas of expertise are in biomechanics, injury prevention, rehabilitation, paediatrics and athletic performance.
Outside of work David is a keen triathlete and multisport athlete, competing at national and international age-group level. This has led to him working with some of the top triathletes and multisport athletes in New Zealand and across the globe.
David’s past sporting pursuits range from National selection Age group Standard distance Triathlon, moving to Iron Man onto ultra-marathons and ultra mountain biking undertaking the gruelling New Zealand ‘Kathmandu Coast to Coast’ a 254km multi-sport race in early 2021. David is obviously a sucker for punishment. David’s time in UAE has been more focus on setting in to the hotter climate, with early rises cycling. David looks at pursuing more road cycling.
David moves to DHTC from another clinic in Dubai to pursue a new challenge, in providing the best care and outcomes for his patients and thoroughly looks forward to making a positive impact to DHTC
Dr. Andrew McCombe is a highly skilled and compassionate ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Specialist with a deep commitment to providing exceptional patient care. With a wealth of almost 40 years of clinical experience, Dr. McCombe is dedicated to diagnosing and treating a wide range of ear, nose and throat conditions.
Dr. McCombe completed his Bachelor’s medical degree at Edinburgh University in 1985. He then pursued specialized training in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.
Clinical Focus:
With a genuine passion for his field, Dr. McCombe has developed a reputation for his expertise in diagnosing and treating a variety of ENT conditions, including:
Hearing loss and balance disorders
Sinusitis and nasal congestion
Tonsil and adenoid issues
Voice and swallowing disorders
Allergies and allergic reactions
Sleep apnea and snoring
Head and neck tumors
Pediatric ENT conditions
Patient-Centered Approach:
Dr. McCombe is known for his patient-centered approach, taking the time to thoroughly understand each patient's unique needs and concerns. He believes in open communication and actively involves his patients in their treatment plans, ensuring that they are well-informed and empowered to make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Teaching and training:
Throughout his career he has been involved in the teaching and training of junior doctors, nurses, and General practitioners in the UK. In Dubai he was appointed as adjunct clinical Professor of Surgery at the Mohammad Bin Rashid University medical school and has been very much involved in the planning and introduction of the ear, nose and throat curriculum.
Contributions to Research and Advancements:
Dr. McCombe's dedication to enhancing the field of ENT is not confined to his clinical practice alone. He has been an active contributor to medical research, participating in studies that have led to new insights and treatment options for various ENT conditions. His contributions to medical literature, lectures at international conferences and collaborations with fellow experts reflect his commitment to advancing the knowledge and capabilities of the medical community.
When not in the clinic or conducting research, Dr. McCombe enjoys spending time with his family and staying active through outdoor activities. He is a keen cyclist and also enjoys snowboarding and kite-surfing.
Dr. Farha Hanif is an Audio-Vestibular Specialist with over 10 years of experience in Dubai, India and the UK in the field of Audiology including diagnostic audiology and hearing assessment and management across all ages (newborn to geriatric), monitoring hearing of patients with noise exposure and undergoing chemotherapy, vestibular (dizziness) assessment and management, as well as tinnitus assessment and counselling.
She completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Mysore, India and postgraduate degree from the University of Southampton, UK. She then obtained her Professional Diploma in Advanced Vestibular Sciences from the University of Sharjah, UAE and Doctorate in Audiology from the A.T. Still University, Arizona, USA.
She is a member of the Rehabilitation Council of India & Indian Speech and Hearing Association.
Core competencies:
• Pediatric Hearing Assessment Including Conditioned Play Audiometry
• Adult And Geriatric Hearing Assessment
• Monitoring Hearing of Patients with Noise Exposure and Undergoing Chemotherapy
• Tinnitus Assessment and Management
• Vestibular (Balance & Dizziness) Assessment and Management
• Assessment and Management of BPPV
• Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)
• Conducting workshops for teachers and parents to increase awareness on hearing and balance disorders
• Training professionals and medical students on the various aspects of Audiology
Dr. Farha Hanif
Clinical Audiologist (Audio-Vestibular Specialist)
BASLP, MS(Audiology), PG. Dip (AVS), AuD.