التخلص من السموم واستعادة صحتك
إن برنامج التخلص من السموم واستعادة صحتك في مركزنا يعيد انسجام جسمك بالكامل، يأخذ في الاعتبار الموسم ونمط حياتك الخاص.
إذا كنت لا تعتقد أن التخلص من السموم أمر مقلق، ولكن تعتقد بأنه علاج ومتعة لعقلك وجسمك وفرصة لإعادة التواصل مع نفسك الداخلية، فهذا البرنامج أمر لا بد منه بالنسبة لك.
ستحتاج إلى اهتمامك الكامل، لأنها طريقة أخرى للسيطرة على حياتك وحالتك الصحية، لتشعر وتبدو في أفضل حالاتك.
- الخمول
- تقلب المزاج
- عسر الهضم
- يزيل سموم نظام الصرف اللمفاوي
- يخفف الانتفاخ والألم والتورم

اتصال العقل والجسم

التطهير والتنشيط

فقدان الوزن وتنسيق القوام

الدورة الدموية والأكسجين

The following FAQs can help you learn more about our Detox & Restore Package. If you have any additional queries, please contact us.
MLD is a special type of bodywork using gentle, steady rhythmic touch to assist your lymphatic system in detoxification of accumulated metabolic waste and toxins. As your lymphatic system has no natural “pump”, the MLD massage assists in guiding the harmonious flow of lymphatic fluid.
The Manual Lymph Drainage massage is a relaxing, non-invasive method to enhance nearly every aspect of your path to overall wellness.
Cupping therapy uses cups of different sizes that are designed to suction to the skin on specific areas of the body. As suction is created between the cup and skin tissue, the impurities inside the inner layer of tissue and muscle are pulled outward. As the impurities accumulate underneath the skin, it changes color.
Fresh blood and lymph rush to the area and bring nutrients and oxygen to the affected site. This process heals damaged cells and causes the body to feel rejuvenated and refreshed. The blood and lymph carry away any toxins to the skin, kidneys, liver, intestines, and lungs to be expelled naturally.
A single session lasts 60 – 75 mins of 2 treatments and it is advisable to be treated over 2 days.
A DETOX should be done at least once per year but twice is perfect. It is better to do them at the change of season in preparation for the next one. Many people will also do when their body and lifestyle tells them. Listen carefully to your body for the signs – being overly tired, stressed, not sleeping too well, irritable conditions such as itchy skin, digestive disturbances, raised blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.