كن بصحة جيدة - أيورفيدا


شيرودارا is derived from two Sanskrit words – ‘Shiro’ meaning the head and ‘Dhara’ meaning stream, pour or flow. Together, it means to pour or drip lukewarm herbal oils on the forehead in a continuous stream.


A steady stream of warm, aromatic oil flows rhythmically across the forehead, calming the mind and soothing the nervous system. This is extremely relaxing therapy which gently releases stress and tension from the mind and body.


Shirodhara induces deep relaxation and the feeling of profound happiness and well-being. It is excellent for alleviating anxiety or insomnia and rejuvenating the brain.


While a regular head massage may induce sleep and relaxation and strengthen the hair follicles, Shirodhara’s benefits go above and beyond. It’s a divine process that helps exfoliate dead skin, relieve stress, improve blood circulation, pacify elevated doshas and transport lymphatic fluids.


Benefits of Shirodhara:

  • Awakening Intuition
  • Relieves Stress
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Pacifies Vata Dosha
  • Boosts Blood Circulation
  • Improves Concentration
