Priority for health conscious people and new therapeutic approach. High vitality and stable health conditions up to a high age is a personal goal for all of us.


Health conscious people have realized that they have to be active and that they have to take care of their health. A very important factor is an optimal level of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. A healthy lifestyle includes the avoidance of environmental toxins and the optimization of the micronutrients, which every single cell needs.


Micronutrients include vitamins, vitaminoids, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids, which are regulating our metabolism. Biochemical structures, biochemical mechanisms, metabolic pathways depend on these micronutrients.


Since several decades the mitochondria, the small “powerhouses” in each of our cells are in the focus of research. Today we know that mitochondria are not only responsible for the production of the cellular energy. They coordinate cell- wide stress response, such as autophagy and cell death. They promote the growth of new cells. Today we know that mitochondrial damage is implicated as a major contributing factor for a number of chronic diseases.


Mitochondrial dysfunction is directly associated to chronic fatigue, migraine, fibromyalgia, recurrent infections, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, lack of concentration, chronic inflammations, cardiovascular diseases, neurologic conditions.


These conditions can be addressed by a targeted supplementation including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, natural remedies, herbs… The goal of this targeted supplementation is to restore the biochemical mechanisms.


Environmental factors can affect our health on cellular level. We should pay more attention to our daily environment which might affect our health. Examples mycotoxins from food or the living environment, exposure of heavy metals from fish, the exposure of formaldehyde from furniture, the exposure to pesticides from the pest control… and others. These environmental stressors can be identified by specific tests and eliminated accordingly with the help of targeted detox plans.


Dr. Charlotte Zoeller,

Specialist Family Medicine & Acupuncture Treatments

Certified in Clinical Environmental Medicine

Dubai Herbal and Treatment Center